Interface PortableTextListItemBlock<M, C, S, L>

Strictly speaking the same as a portable text block, but listItem is required

interface PortableTextListItemBlock<M, C, S, L> {
    _type: string;
    children: C[];
    listItem: L;
    _key?: string;
    markDefs?: M[];
    style?: S;
    level?: number;

Type Parameters



_type: string

Type name identifying this as a portable text block. All items within a portable text array should have a _type property.

Usually 'block', but can be customized to other values

children: C[]

Array of inline items for this block. Usually contain text spans, but can be configured to include inline objects of other types as well.

listItem: L
_key?: string

A key that identifies this block uniquely within the parent array. Used to more easily address the block when editing collaboratively, but is also very useful for keys inside of React and other rendering frameworks that can use keys to optimize operations.

markDefs?: M[]

Array of mark definitions used in child text spans. By having them be on the block level, the same mark definition can be reused for multiple text spans, which is often the case with nested marks.

style?: S

Visual style of the block Common values: 'normal', 'blockquote', 'h1'...'h6'

level?: number

If this block is a list item, identifies which level of nesting it belongs within